Hi guys,  Kris from Custom Fitness here, your Amarillo personal trainer. Today we’re going to be talking about the one thing, or what is the one thing that you can stop doing today that’s going to help you achieve your goals? If you have any questions about today’s blog, then please give us a call at (806)-322-3188

There are so many things as Americans that we feel like we need to add in. We’re constantly trying to find the solution and we’re trying to add something to our lives, and we’re trying to figure out how much more we can do, and what we can do with it. The problem is, sometimes we just have too much going on, and we need to take a moment to think about what we can take away.

Often times an easy way to look at this is, I’ll have clients come in, and they feel like if they get a new water bottle, or they get a new piece of equipment, or they get something new, that they’ll be able to stay on track with their goals, where we can sit down and talk about the fact that those things aren’t going to be a good addition to what they have. They really just need to put their minds towards what they’re doing and they’ll be just fine.

I have other people come in, they say, I have no equipment, so obviously I can’t do this. I need to get things before I can do this. The problem with that is, no you don’t, because you can use your body weight. You can use the foods that you do have, you can use the mentality that you do have. There’s a lot of things that we already have. We don’t need to add to it.

Beginning a health and fitness regimen can be kind of tricky sometimes, because honestly, you’re trying to add something into your life that you haven’t made time for before, for whatever reason. It’s not a bad thing. It’s just that’s where we’re at. Adding something in can be kind of tricky.

Whenever I think about the one thing that people could stop doing today, there’s several things that come to mind. One is procrastinating. Begin to act. Whenever we procrastinate we put things off just because they don’t seem like something that we really want to do, or something that we really understand how to do. Maybe we don’t understand how to fit it into our schedule, or understand how to fit it into our budget and those kinds of things. Procrastinating is a big one that keeps people from reaching their goals. Just because you can’t do one option, doesn’t mean that there’s not another option out there for you. It just may take a little more thought and time to find it.

Stop over complicating things. It’s time to simplify. Again, you don’t have to have big fancy equipment. You don’t have to have a big fancy gym membership. You gotta have you. That’s all. You and a mentality that you are going to do this, this time. There’s so many resources out there, some good, some bad, obviously to get help on exercise, nutrition, healthy living, mindset, habit coaching, you name it. But if you start to take the process of simplifying, then you can actually get to your goals instead of over complicating with millions of different resources. That’s kind of a step we take, is we bring all that information in for our clients and simplify it for them so that they have just a cut and dry program of what to follow, and they’re not trying to search online for every other little thing.

Stop making excuses. Instead of making excuses to why you can’t, find a reason that you can. It doesn’t matter if it’s an hour workout, if it’s a 30 minute workout, if it’s a 10 minute workout. If it’s getting you started, that’s all that matters. Maybe you went outside and were active for 10 minutes today. Congratulations, that’s an awesome start. Just moving one step at a time, 1% at a time, being a little bit better every day, that’s your goal.

You’re not meant to make a whole life switch and flip your life upside down in one day. But, over time, we can take millions of tiny steps to get us to where we want to be, and it’s an amazing process as we allow it to take a little more time, because it starts to integrate into who we are, and just how we believe in ourselves through that time.

Overdoing things is another big one for people to stop doing. Again, as they get into, it typically falls from the use-ta-goods. I used to go do this, I used to be in athletics, I used to be in the military. I used to do these things, but now I’ve kind of died off of it. Sometimes it’s, I’ve gotta lose 50 pounds in the next six weeks, and we jump into this head on. The problem with that is, you know that any results you get in that demeanor are going to … They’re not going to last.

We’ve got to make sure that we do this slow enough, and in the right order that not only do you get the changes that you’re looking for, but also that they can last you a lifetime. Because, what is the point of going through all of that, putting your body, your mind, just everything through all of that, to end up right back where you started, just a few weeks later?

Instead of overdoing, you want to start small. Another way we can overdo is by going in with too heavy of weights, too fast, too much impact, things that our body has not been preparing for, and therefore we get hurt, and then we can’t do anything. Again, starting small on that level is also beneficial, so that we can start to build the body up to the things that either we know that we used to be able to do, or that we think we want to do in the future.

All right. Another one that I came up with is belittling, huge topic. Whenever people come in to meet with me they start to belittle themselves. I say, “hi. How are you? I’m Kris”, they start in on what all is wrong with them in their own mindset. That is just … It breaks me up, because I feel like we belittle ourselves way too much. We don’t have belief systems in ourselves, we don’t feel like we can do the things we want to do, or that we need to do. We end up, this little curled up ball in a corner somewhere that we can’t do anything.

It’s time to start empowering ourselves. It’s time to start believing in you, knowing that you can do it, especially if all it takes is one small change, one very simple small change each day to be a little bit better, then how can you not believe in yourself, that you can do that? Maybe you mess up every now and then. That’s okay. We’re humans. But, you never fail until you stop trying. As long as you’re still trying, and empowering yourself by believing in you and your goals, and your dreams, then you can make those goals and dreams a reality.

Now, there are obviously some times that our goals and dreams are a little further out than what our bodies are ready to do. There comes a time that we have to understand that, but for the most part, whatever we dream about being healthy and fit, we can easily do that just by taking small steps each day, by simplifying the system, by taking action and by finding reasons to, rather than excuses not to.

Start small today. Begin taking those steps. If we can be of help to you, creating a plan of exercise, nutrition, lifestyle, habit coaching, we work in all realms, stress reduction, you name it, we want to be able to help you.

So, if you are wanting the accountability and help with creating an action plan to see results, or are wanting to someone to help create a workout plan to push you to your greatest potential, then that’s what we’re here for. We work with our clients not just on fitness, but also nutrition. What we do is that we will ensure that you are supported throughout every aspect of your health and wellness journey, and that includes making those eating changes. We have an entire team of dedicated professionals to help you with your health and fitness goals. To get your consultation set up, give us a call at 806-322-3188 or email us at info@customfitness.biz At Custom Fitness, we are YOUR personal trainers in Amarillo, Texas. Have a great day.