Hi my name is Mackenzie and I’ve been coming to Custom Fitness for 6 months now working with my personal trainer in Amarillo. I struggled with a pretty bad limp. I was in a pretty bad car accident in 2011 and it caused my left side to be extremely weak. So I struggled pretty bad with the lImp. everybody always ask me what why do you walk like that? I’ve had this limp for my whole life because I was in a car accident when I was little too. I’ve basically been made fun of it for it on my life. I didn’t want my daughter to have to go through that too. My limp has gone down a lot.  It is still noticeable but it’s not there fully like it was. I have more stability on my left side now whereas I had none before. I went and hiked and Palo Duro Canyon the other day; there is no way I could have done that before starting with my trainer.  Thank you Custom Fitness!

Thanks for sharing your story with us, McKenzie.  We know your dedication to overcoming life’s obstacles is one of the many reasons you rock the studio every time you come.  We are so glad to work with clients like you.  See you soon.

If you would like to begin a new lease on life, reach out to us and our trainers will set up a consultation: 806-322-3188 or info@customfitness.biz.  Custom Fitness also offers nutrition counseling, group fitness classes, challenge programs, and of course, customized workouts.  Sound good? We look forward to welcoming you to our family.