Hi guys, Kris from Custom Fitness here, your Amarillo personal trainer. I’m back with part two of “So many vegetables… so few people are willing to eat”. You can read part one here: https://customfitness.biz/2017/12/27/many-vegetables-people-willing-eat-part-1-custom-fitness-amarillo-personal-trainers/  If you have any questions about today’s blog or part one, give us a call at (806) 322-3188

Okay, so last time we talked about hiding vegetables in your food, and making better salads with rainbow colors, but what about juicing?

There are so many vegetable juices available out there at the grocery stores right now, and I’m sorry but V8 doesn’t count. What you’re wanting less processed, cold pressed juices. So if you had to purchase on at the store, then a cold pressed on is the way to go. Now, are you going to get the best quality? Not really, because it sat there and preserved in a way so that it doesn’t go bad in a day or two. However, there are some high quality juices that you can have shipped to you that have been juiced and flash frozen. They can be shipped to you frozen and you can still get a lot of nutrient content from that.

You could also make your own juices, which is different from making a smoothie. Making a smoothie is taking a whole piece of fruit or vegetable and blend the whole thing, which is great because it adds fiber. But if you’re wanting just the juice, and you’re wanting to increase your vegetable content, then you can get a juicer and be able to juice the vegetables and drink the juice.

I also get a lot of questions on cooked VS raw, what do you need to do? My stance is always the same, I want you to be able to live outside of the bubble and I want you to be able to eat vegetables. If you’re just starting with vegetables and you’ll only eat them one way, then go for it and get them in. I rather you eat vegetables one way than not at all.

Now if you have a preference on one over the other and you feel like you could try it that other way, then try it out. As long as they’re not like limp noodles, you’re okay. You want them to be kind of al dente to where they’re still slightly crisp so you keep that nutrient content. The more you cook vegetables, the more nutrient content you lose. Same thing goes with if you microwave instead of stovetop instead of raw. So you want to make sure that you get vegetables in however best you can, but then one you get comfortable with eating vegetables, start to try and eat them in a way that enriches the nutrient content rather than diminishing it.

Alright, now I have a great story for you about one of my clients. This client has been having some issues with nutrition for some time now, and just hasn’t been able to take ahold of their nutrition the way that they want and know they need to. They just haven’t been able to do it.

So they’ve lost a little here and there, but nothing really dramatic, which happens to some people. And then all the sudden we had this big, long talk about how to fit the vegetables in, and how to really take ahold of nutrition. And they decided that now was the time. Sometimes you have that life switch flip and you realize that today is the day for you to get this thing done. So they took hold of that and they went out and started juicing, adding more salads with more colors, and just all around increasing their vegetables.

That was about six or seven weeks ago, and as of right now they are down about fifteen pounds. I find that absolutely incredible, and I am so proud of this person for finally taking a hold, doing it, and that it’s helping. You may not like vegetables, they may not be your favorite, but if you will have them in your diet, if you will find a way to get them in, then your body will start to respond well to that. Your body needs those nutrients in order to survive and thrive, and weight loss is not achievable until you get the inside healthy enough to be able to do its work. If you get the inside going with what it needs, then the outside will begin to shed the weight, the body will be able to reshape, and you will find happiness at a whole different level.

If you are wanting help in getting those vegetables in, then at Custom Fitness we do nutritional counseling, and we also do nutrition along with all of our fitness packages as a complementary service. So whether you’re looking for nutrition or you’re looking for the whole package, we would love to help you with either.

If you’re wanting to get a great kick off to 2018, then right now what we have going on is our amazing DownSize program starting this January 2018. All you commit to is six weeks, starting in January, of a total body transformation. We aren’t talking about insane supplements or any other crazy things, but exercise that you can do in 45 minutes or less with little or no equipment and nutrition that your whole family eat. We know that you’re going to the store and picking out foods and recipes, so we want to teach you how to make food that is nutritionally sound, and that you can easily make for your family to enjoy.

So you have all of that on top of the accountability of an entire team of professionals. But here is the best part: if you’re ready to commit, if you’re ready to change and want to get in on this, then if you lose fifteen inches during DownSize you will get 100% of your money back. Yes you read that right. We do this because we want people here in Amarillo to know that we work with real people that see real success everyday. And that’s the best part about doing what we do! Being able to share those stories with others so that they can celebrate your success with us is why we do this.

So, right now we have five spots open for early birds wanting to get into the January 2018 DownSize. Early birds also get a free additional private training session each week. This deal is too good to pass up! So if you want to make sure that your spot for Downsize is secured, give us a call at 806-322-3188 or email us at info@customfitness.biz At Custom Fitness, we are YOUR personal trainers in Amarillo, Texas. Have a great day.