When it comes to life in the realm of health & fitness, some of the biggest questions we hear are:
- What is the best time to workout?
- Where is the best place to workout?
- Do I have to exercise at a gym?
- Is virtual training worth my time? Is it safe?
- How do I make this health thing work for me? … I’ve tried it all before and nothing’s worked.
Generally these questions come from the idea that something worked well for someone this person knew and while they want to do things well, they just aren’t sure they can _________.
In my humble opinion, one of the best things about health and fitness is that it’s not the same for ANYONE. Some people can see similar results from doing similar things but if we get into the nitty gritty of it all, we’ll find they have done at least a few things differently.
It comes down to this…YOU ARE UNIQUE. Your body, your mind, your metabolism, your muscle and everything else about you is unique.
Whatever you do and how you do it has to be appropriate for you.
I work with many people who feel uncomfortable or intimidated by the gym setting, so we work out at the studio.
I work with people who, like myself, just aren’t morning people, so we work out in the afternoon.
I work with people who enjoy live virtual coaching so we workout together via Zoom and others who can’t stand it so we work out in person.
I work with people who feel like they’ve missed out if they aren’t outside so we exercise at the park. And others who just can’t get out of their home for one reason or another so we meet them where they’re at and work with them at their house.
No matter what the environment preference, as long as you have the right plan put together (combining, exercise, coaching and accountability) … this “health thing” CAN work for YOU!
Now, I can’t speak for all fitness businesses (even though I’m pretty certain I know what they would say), but I can speak for my fitness business –
When you work with Custom Fitness, you get to choose the environment that is most comfortable to you AND receive world class coaching, programming and accountability!
So today I ask you, are you feeling like you’re surrounding yourself with an environment that will create success in YOUR life? Or do you feel like you’ve been swept into the generic gym pool with everyone else?
Perhaps it’s time for a change?