When I was asked (by multiple people) 20+ years ago what I wanted to do when I got out of college I always had a hard time answering.
I had too many directions that I was considering but looking back on it now I was only considering them because they were there as options, not because I felt driven to go that way.
I had worked with children, in restaurants, in businesses, and more but none of those places felt like something that would feed my soul in the long term.
So many people choose a profession because it will pay them well or give them the hours they need, both of which are good things, but very few people take a position or job because it is a true passion for them.
In that respect, I feel very blessed to have “fallen into” the health & fitness industry the way I did. Like many other times in my life, I can say it was truly a God thing.
I had never stepped foot in a gym before college, had no real sense of healthy living or eating and was just struggling to figure out who I was and what I was meant to do.
As I worked through the personal training program, then the group fitness instructor program, I began to see that the career that would feed my soul involved being of greater help to others.
Being able to help my clients through their physical struggles was amazing, but I wanted more. There was much more than could be helped in a gym going on with most people, so I dug in.
I went to conferences and earned certifications to help people learn better ways of eating, thinking and living. My repertoire of knowledge grew and expanded so much that I was bubbling over with excitement to not only share this with my clients but to teach other fitness professionals how to help their clients.
It is that passion that drives me forward every day. And it is that passion that allows me to strengthen people from the inside-out so they can better do the work they were put here on this earth to do.
I absolutely love my job. I love working with each and every client that comes to Custom Fitness and I love the effects those clients are then able to have on their circle of influence because of what they’ve learned.
My question to you today is, what do you do that feeds your soul? What is your passion in life?
I can tell you that without this passion guiding me through life, things would feel quite dull and I would know that I wasn’t living to my fullest potential.
If you feel like you need a little extra support on your journey, you need some guidance, you need a plan, feel free to give us a call. 806-322-3188. Our team would love to help you. Remember that we focus on exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle. We put all of it together so this can become a lifelong change for you instead of something to just bounce to and get setback from. I hope you have a great day.