Hi guys,  Kris from Custom Fitness here, your Amarillo personal trainer. Today we’re going to be talking about not blaming the kids. If you have any questions about today’s blog, then please give us a call at (806) 322-3188

Today’s talk is all about not blaming your kids, but instead stepping up and taking time for you.

What does that mean? Well as a personal trainer in Amarillo, I work with a lot of prenatal moms, postnatal moms, and people that have been moms for most of their lives. And a lot of times, it seems like the minute you have a child, everything goes out the window as far as you’re concerned. It’s all about taking care of them, which is wonderful and i understand this being a mom myself. However, you can’t forget that in order for you to take care of anyone else, you’ll have to take care of yourself.

So what happens? Well, earlier on in life, we have this body and think, Well if things were just a little bit different. If only I could lose X amount of weight…. And then those of us that go out and have children think, Wow if I could look the way I did back then! But now I don’t have time because I have kids, I can’t take care of myself while I’m taking care of my kids… And the further and further you get into that, the less and less you start to think of yourself, and then your health suffers. You may have gained weight, your hormones may be off, your thyroid might stop functioning correctly, you may not be going in for your checkups as often as you should, and you may be eating whatever you can whenever you can.

And what I can’t stand to hear is “Well, I’m this way because I had kids.” And that just puts the blame on them. They didn’t do anything! It was your choice to have kids, but you forgot to choose to take care of yourself as well. So just because you have kids and want to take care of them, that doesn’t mean that you can’t take care of yourself, and that’s important to remember.

I want you to think of your life as a pyramid. At the bottom is you, above that is your family, above that are your friends, and above that is work. You are at the bottom of the pyramid not because you’re the least important, but because you are the foundation holding everything up. So if you stop taking care of yourself, what happens is that the bottom of the pyramid gets chipped off little by little. Eventually when there’s nothing left, the bottom being gone will cause that pyramid to topple over. There goes family, friends, and work. You want to make sure that this doesn’t happen.

I know that when you have kids running around you crazy things happen and you have less time, less energy, and less self focus. So we’re going to make those three things the focus of today’s discussion.

First off, you need to make time for yourself. You need to force yourself to make time for yourself.

I am a mom, a business owner, I teach and train people, I have family to take care of… There are a lot of things going on, but I still need to take time for me, and hopefully you can see that you can take time for yourself.

There is always some point in the day when you can throw in something, even if it’s small. It could be breathing for five minutes, it could be sitting down to eat by yourself, there are many things that you can do. Think of it as self therapy: time to work on yourself.

So you want to make that time and schedule it. Put it into your planner to make sure that it gets done, and set that appointment with yourself. And as always, when you set an appointment with yourself, you want an accountability partner so that they can make sure that you don’t skip those appointments with yourself. It’s very important to make sure that you are taking care of you.

The next thing is that if you’re low on energy and time, you have to find the best time for you to workout.

In a world before children maybe your time was 6am or 9am, or there was just some perfect time that you had to workout. Now though, there is a new you and with that a new normal. So instead of thinking Well I can’t workout but this is my time and I can’t do it then…. Well, you need to find a new time. You have to find the time when you have the most energy, and the least distractions. Maybe that’s right after dropping off your kids at school, maybe it’s first thing in the morning before anyone else is up in the house, maybe instead of going out of the house to workout you find a way to do something at home.

There are a lot of ways around things, but again, you have to get out of that box and find solutions to your problems through new avenues. Maybe it’s not the perfect fit, or something that you absolutely love doing, but find something in the interim until you can find the time to do the thing that you want to do again. It’s important to find yourself again even if it’s something different than what you want it to be.

Now the biggest thing is to really put that focus back on yourself. Not that you’re taking away from the kids, goodness knows you aren’t. Just make sure that you are really taking care of yourself. Doing this for yourself will actually make a difference in the lives around you as well. Being well rested, not so grumpy, healthier, and having more energy will enable you to give you best in every situation that you’re in.

So take some time today to think about how you’re going to take some time for yourself this week. Not just going out and having a glass of wine with your friends, but actually physically taking care of yourself. This is how you can make sure that you’re giving 100% to every situation you’re in.

So, if you’re wanting the accountability and help with creating an action plan to see results, or are wanting to someone to help create a workout plan to push you to your greatest potential, then that’s what we’re here for. We have an entire team of dedicated professionals to help you with your health and fitness goals. To get your consultation set up, give us a call at 806-322-3188 or email us at info@customfitness.biz At Custom Fitness, we are YOUR personal trainers in Amarillo, Texas. Have a great day.