If you’re like me, then you love to hit the gym or the studio. There is something very rewarding about lifting weights, doing some HIIT training and interacting with friends while you’re doing it.

But … the gym / studio is not all there is.

We’ve all learned this through the 2020-21 shutdowns, when we’ve had to learn other ways to get our activity in.

Now that the weather is starting to warm up, there’s no better time for a reminder.

That’s why … I want to give you some refreshing ways to workout outside — without it feeling like a “workout.”

Even though it is 🙂

These activities may be fun and challenging … and may be as rewarding as it is when you finish your gym workout.

So…here are some different workouts you can do in the great outdoors:

  1. Hiking: There are many different hikes around our area. Some may be a bit more rugged than others, but remember … it’s a form of exercise. Not only are you hitting your cardiovascular system and making it stronger, you’re also giving your legs and upper body a workout by climbing, reaching, or stepping up on rocks or ledges.

*Some of my favorite places are Palo Duro Canyon and Lake Merideth

  1. Stand-Up Paddle Boarding: This exercise is perfect for developing the muscles in your upper and lower body — and providing a great balance workout. Sure it may look like a tough activity … but the more you do it, the stronger your arms, legs, and your core are going to get.

Once your body is strong enough, you can spend hours on a paddleboard exploring beaches, lakes, and ponds around the area — all while getting a killer workout.

*Alright, if I’m being honest, this isn’t my cup of tea but my sis is completely into it so I just had to mention it to those of you who love the water.

  1. Gardening: There is no better workout than getting down and dirty — in your garden. Pulling weeds or planting new plants can help tone your legs, arms, back, thighs, and your core with all up and down, and tugging old plants out.

After a few hours of this, I can guarantee your legs may feel a little wobbly, and your arms might be a little sore.

These are a few more activities that you can do outside that are also considered “exercise,” such as: volleyball, walks, ultimate Frisbee, and swimming. These activities could give you a full-body workout, strengthen your cardiovascular system, and burn extra calories.

I encourage you to “think outside of the box” when it comes to exercise and get creative as you get moving.

And if your creativity begins to falter or you’re just in the mood to do something more structured outside, remember that our team does park training too! We can meet you at one of Amarillo’s finest parks and give you a workout that will leave you feeling victorious!