by Custom Fitness | Mar 29, 2021 | Fitness, health, Personal Training, Stress Management, wellness
If you’re like me, then you love to hit the gym or the studio. There is something very rewarding about lifting weights, doing some HIIT training and interacting with friends while you’re doing it. But … the gym / studio is not all there is. We’ve all learned...
by Custom Fitness | Feb 4, 2021 | Personal Training, Fitness, health, Mindset, Nutrition, Stress Management, wellness
Did you know that January 17th is national “ditch your resolutions” day? Now, I’m not a big believer in “resolutions” per say because they are usually more of a ‘pull the rug out from under you’ idea rather than a sensible well thought out goal. Goals are attainable...
by Custom Fitness | Jan 22, 2021 | Personal Training, Fitness, health, Mindset, Stress Management, wellness
Believe it or not, your brain dictates what you do and don’t see in your personal “reality”. Our minds are like amazing computers but even they can’t process every sense, experience, environment, etc. that’s around us on a minute by minute basis. To save...
by Custom Fitness | Dec 10, 2020 | Fitness, Food for thought, Mindset, Personal Training, Stress Management, wellness
Interesting thought for the day- It’s pretty easy this time of year to settle into the mindset that we are struggling, suffering and falling behind. Remember that a few weeks ago we discussed that we only have 2 states of being: Primal – this is the one that...
by Custom Fitness | Nov 11, 2020 | Personal Training, health, Mindset, Stress Management, wellness
Since this week is kicking off the official “Thanksgiving Season” I thought I would take a moment to reflect on 2020 so far. I know you may be thinking that sounds like a crazy idea, but hang in there with me and let’s see what we can do with this. 2020...
by Custom Fitness | Oct 8, 2020 | Mindset, health, Personal Training, Stress Management, wellness
Last weekend I had great plans of getting so very many things done around my house that I’ve been needing to do for a while. Earlier this summer I injured my back and had to go through a few months of physical therapy to heal … and this was the weekend I was going to...