by Custom Fitness | Feb 6, 2025 | Mindset, Personal Training
Hi guys, Kris from Custom Fitness here, your personal trainer in Amarillo. Let’s say you have a pain in your foot that will not go away. You’ve tried stretching it. You’ve tried massaging it. You’ve iced it. Nothing is helping. Finally, you end up at the doctor and...
by Custom Fitness | Apr 8, 2021 | Fitness, health, Mindset, Nutrition, Personal Training, wellness
Why is it that pushing the “pause button” can be so difficult in some areas and easy in others? How often do you come across someone who says their work / family life is so busy they just can’t stop to do…(fill in the blank). When I talk with people, that blank is...
by Custom Fitness | Mar 26, 2021 | Fitness, health, Mindset, Nutrition, Personal Training, wellness
Client: [frustrated, comes into my office to “talk”] Me: Hi Julie, how are you? Client: Well Kris, I’ve been working with your team for 3 months now and I really enjoy the trainers and I don’t mind the workouts but it just isn’t working for me. Me: Really? Tell me...
by Custom Fitness | Mar 25, 2021 | Fitness, health, Mindset, Personal Training
There are so many options in the world of fitness equipment and I regularly get asked, “what’s the best equipment to use?”. I’ve known people who have basically built whole gyms in their homes or garages. I also know, however, how intimidating that idea can be for...
by Custom Fitness | Mar 25, 2021 | health, Mindset, Personal Training, wellness
I want you to imagine that you heard that a new treatment just became available: It strengthens memory, increases concentration, boosts mood, moderates hunger and obesity, fortifies the disease-fighting immune system, and lessens the risk of fatal accidents. Would you...
by Custom Fitness | Feb 4, 2021 | Personal Training, Fitness, health, Mindset, Nutrition, Stress Management, wellness
Did you know that January 17th is national “ditch your resolutions” day? Now, I’m not a big believer in “resolutions” per say because they are usually more of a ‘pull the rug out from under you’ idea rather than a sensible well thought out goal. Goals are attainable...