Hi guys,  Kris from Custom Fitness here, your Amarillo personal trainer. Today we’re going to be wrapping up the two part series on coffee. Now be sure to read part one if you haven’t already at the link here: And as always, if you have any questions about today’s blog then please give us a call at (806)-322-3188

So last time we were talking about, of course, coffee and what it actually does to your body. So again, it confuses the body’s energy systems on how much to produce, when to produce it, what to do. What we want to do is kind of think about those things when we’re consuming our coffee. So is coffee okay to drink? Well, if you’re not doing a specific nutrition plan that’s saying, “Don’t drink your coffee for right now,” for whatever reason, then yeah, it’s okay to drink it. But limit it to maybe one to two cups a day. And think about like organic sources, okay? And then when we’re adding things to it, that’s where we start to add all those calories, right? So black coffee doesn’t have a lot of calories. It’s all the other stuff that you put in it.

So I always tell people that if you’re drinking white coffee, you don’t really like coffee, you really like milk, cream, and sugar, and that’s what you should be drinking instead if that’s the way that you’re going. The coffee’s just kind of a warm substitute to add in there.

So if you’re drinking more white coffees and things like that, maybe try to back it off a little bit, and change it up. Because you can easily put, if you’re doing the Bulletproof coffee that’s a whole different story. But you can easily put other sources of fat, if you’re needing that, into your diet without having to drink it through your coffee. So if that’s the reason that you’re getting in 16 cups, this is what I’m saying, maybe limit that down and find a different place to put that. One to two cups a day, not going to cause any harm, but do want to make sure that you’re getting enough water on top of that.

So, if you fix that, kind of tweak it around, stop supplementing so much with caffeine, start supplementing more with actual food, eating vegetables, fruits, protein, healthy fats, those kinds of good things. Then you will start to see an increase in your energy, and you will stop feeling so lethargic all the time.

I understand that coffee has kind of become for a lot of people, not just a way to get a source of energy, but it is a matter of habit and culture. A lot of people find having that cup of coffee as a normal part of their everyday life, but habits can be changed. Sure, it will take quite a bit of effort, but start taking small steps. Instead of a cup of coffee have a cup of tea, then maybe that tea will turn into a cup of water.

Over time you will start to find yourself feeling a lot better and more energized. Believe it or not but a tall glass of water can give you more energy in the morning than a cup of coffee. As a matter of fact, the coffee itself will just mean that you are going to have a caffeine crash, or if you are one of those white coffee drinkers then add the sugar crash into that as well. And we can’t forget the dehydration factor. Nothing makes me more lethargic than being dehydrated, how about you?

That is going to wrap up our series on coffee! I hope that you all got something good out of this series, and that hopefully you will start to explore options outside of the morning cup of joe. The first thing to do is just to take that first step, and then you’re already on your way to improving your health!

I wanted to let all of you know that we do have our Lean and Clean Challenge coming up on September 10th, where we’re going to focus on eating real, whole foods, and our accountability with that, our consistency with the program. We’re also going to be adding in some wonderful exercise sessions to help you burn off some fat, build some muscle tone, have that increased energy, and by the end of those six weeks, you are going to feel awesome.

And if you would like more help with your nutrition, we can add that into any program that we have, or we can do it as a stand alone. Either option is great. So, if you would like more information on that, or want to get signed up for it, feel free to either private message us or give us a phone call at the studio, 806-322-3188, we only take 20 people for this challenge, so I would love for you to be in it if you want to be, but that means you’ve got to sign up pretty quick. So as a bonus for signing up quick, we’re going to let you work out for free from now until the challenge starts. Pretty sweet.

So, if you are wanting the accountability and help with creating an action plan to see results, or are wanting to someone to help create a workout plan to push you to your greatest potential, then that’s what we’re here for. We work with our clients not just on fitness, but also nutrition. What we do is we will ensure that you are supported throughout every aspect of your health and wellness journey, and that includes making those eating changes. We have an entire team of dedicated professionals to help you with your health and fitness goals. To get your consultation set up, or if you are interested in the Clean and Lean challenge, give us a call at 806-322-3188 or email us at info@customfitness.biz  At Custom Fitness, we are YOUR personal trainers in Amarillo, Texas. Have a great day.